Click here to read Greed or bliss, parasitism or self generating light? How can we do what is right? If we show too much love, it can be “inappropriate”,...
Click here so see the video Click here to go to their home page
Click here to see the publication Remember to Love Το «Remember to Love» είναι ένα project το οποίο αποτελείται από έργα, που συνδυάζουν τη χρηστικότητα και τη διαδραστικότητα, με σκοπό...
Click here to see the interview Who is artist Alexandros Yiorkadjis. Share with us a few things about you and your work in general. Who is Alexandros Yiorkadjis,...
Exhibition-UMANO Human Rights Nights Festival 2012
Tra corpo e mente, tra spirito e materialismo. Tra esigenze terrene e immateriali. Quello che colpisce di questo giovane greco è il fatto che si ponga temi, in...