
city.sigmalive-Perpetual Resurrections-2020

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Greed or bliss, parasitism or self generating light?

How can we do what is right?

If we show too much love, it can be “inappropriate”, and if we “dim” it down we can offend or be untruthful. And yet love is our true nature.

Why love? Because love is the nature of creation.

We are multidimensional entities. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and more.

Conscious creators or programmable attendants.

Of course these are just words, containing concepts that mutate based on a fluctuating consciousness.

And these are the basics of wakefulness. Levels of perception moving through a hypothetical scale of range of frequencies. From lower to higher and vice versa.

Of course from another point of observation, these schematics are not perceived linear. Rather from micro to macro and every aspect has its infinite possibilities of evolution.

The cosmic soup, a fractal reality. And yet these are only words containing concepts.

The dilemma is the responsibility that comes with every expression. If the objective is personal development, knowledge of truth and expansion of consciousness that creates a positive evolution.

Then every expression should have as goal progress and well being.

To share our best self, capacities and understanding for a more enlightened and evolve manifestation that benefits and uplifts ourselves and our environment.

We pass on what we know and what we have achieved in a conscious or unconscious way.

Yet when we start to examine the nature of reality on a broader scale, we often enter in a “realm” of great controversy.

These like many conflicts, is a result of not being able to step in a neutral zone, so we can objectively observe and validate, the information with the goal to acquire knowledge in order to allow positive evolution and there to transform the “status quo”.

To transform is to question our own understanding of what we are identified with.

A belief or a label of an identity is at the same time a confignment or a compartment, where the possible expansion is limited, in the zone created inside that label.

Usually, when those differentiations or multiplications are saturated, the consciousness is ready to move beyond that identification.

If that does not occur in a conscious transformation, then the risk is to be trapped in “vicious cycles” or stagnation.

Now, if the entity is not self driven to expand to a different level of consciousness or identity, then it can be created by an event that appears to inspire, or to force that transformation.

Some dramatic forms of challenging one’s identity is known as an “ego death” when it involves a personification, and a “cultural shock” when it involves dogma or social programming.

Usually during that process, the person is called to a deep introspection, where he/she revaluates aspect from his/her way of being.

In the mythology, that procedure is where the hero enters in the cave or the labyrinth to kill the beast.

And when he merges, he has a new attribute or a new ego structure.

Many indigenous cultures, call it “the vision quest” where they go alone in nature with no food or water to become aware of what will surface from within them.

In a Christian way, this would be the concept of “metanoia”.

A greater level of self awareness.

This experience is usually hambling and empowering at the same time.

Some call it the “great work” or experiencing a greater love.

Because in order to heal one’s self, we first have to face accept, and transform the “lower into higher”.

And there to be able to incorporate a greater and broader level of information and frequencies that can be perceived and embodied.

The darker appears the challenge, the greater is the light, compassion and gratitude that is being called to resurface from within.

A form of “resurrection”, a mystical experience that has no point of arrival, no “tip of the mountain” but rather a constant invitation of the next level of greater understanding and love.

And here comes in place the phrase “personal responsibility”.

To be responsible is to be self aware and conscious about everything that is being channelled, expressed and created by ourselves.

Like the symbolic figure of “naked truth” that holds the mirror with an open invitation to observe our reflections.

Only by a sincere understanding and acceptance of our current position, we can unable a transformation, a progress towards a clearer vision, a greater level of wakefulness.

To be responsible is to be empowered and in control of our energy. Our state of mind, emotions and actions.

The frequencies and vibrations that we authorize in and out of our entity.

And that have a direct effect on the quality of the reality that we collectively concreate.

Human nature is evolution.

Our identity is the perpetual transformation and each expression is like a step towards a path that is unfolding with each decision to move on.

And part of what we will find there is what we bring with us and what we will consciously create.

What thoughts, what emotions and what actions.

What is the best we can offer in this moment or this lifetime?

What frequency reality can we sustain?

What should we allow and what would we generate?

Wake up before this moment pass to the next one.

Before you lose this opportunity.

Before you open your mouth and speak.

Before you do nothing.

Before you repeat the same story in your head.

Wake up to your true nature and your capacity to create, to transform situations, to embody states of being, to own your vibes, to self generate love, to be a reminder of what we call “Humanity” as a planetary level of humanity. And not of a planet that is rotating around it’s self but the one that follows the gravitational pull of a star moving through the universe.

Are you ready to teach me how to apologize with lightness and “wash” away my many, many, many mistakes and faults with a smile and some humor during this learning process of “perpertual resurrections”.

It’s ok, breath, return in your center and smile.